(above) The Dream; (below) The Reality
So I've decided to add some words to this post as way of photo-explanation.
About a month (maybe two?) ago, my friend Evan told us that he and his girlfriend are hoping to head down to the Caribbean this summer to live and work for a while in the US Virgin Islands. Emily, his gf, is looking into grad school at the University of the Virgin Islands and hoping to find some intern marine-biology work for the summer. Evan is more open to any sort of work outdoors from manual labor to adventure leading. They are leaving in June after Emily graduates from UMD-CP and will be gettinig a studio and scoping things out.
Why this involves Jake and I: Evan asked whether we'd be interested in joining them, splitting the rent on a place and generally hanging out and living the island life. Can you guess our answer?
Since the summer money is just starting for Jake, we're planning to stick around until mid-August or so. Our lease is up mid-September, so we have to be able to afford all the travel expenses, etc. while paying one more month's rent as well. We'll probably end up sleeping on the floor at Evan and Em's while we all look for a place together when we first arrive, as well as following up any job-leads Evan may have found over the summer.
Yes, we're arriving at the start of Caribbean hurricane season, but maybe St. Thomas will be lucky?
We all plan to return at the end of November for my cousin Alex's wedding and Thanksgiving, and then I'm thinking of trying to tempt my family into making this Christmas an Island Christmas! I think it's what we call "outlaw" Christmas in my family: all those with spouses are spending X-mas with the other families. That said, I think I can convince a bunch of people down to the islands anyway!
We're very excited!!