Monday, July 19, 2010


OH how time flies when you're ...... doing nothing. Lots has changed in the month and a half I've let this blog languish, and you might think that means lots has been done, decided and accomplished. Well, you'd be mostly wrong. But here are a few things that have happened:

1. Jake left St. Thomas on a boat! ... then it started sinking and they came back.

2. I left St. Thomas on a plane!

3. My brother got married in Jamaica! Lots of snorkeling, lionfish, ganjaImeanlocalflora ... we all got sick. We're blaming the water.

4. I gathered all (ok, well, a lot of) our scattered, stored belongings in hopes of setting up our lives

5. The 4th of July approached and along with it, Jake approached Charleston, with fireworks to welcome the ocean-weary crews to the mainland!

Scurfing, yes, in the middle of the ocean

6. I drove down to SC to meet up with my hubby as well as recent Savannah transplant, cousin Jessie!

Charleston is cooool

7. Back up to Baltimore to hang out for a few days, then on to Pittsburgh for a whirlwind weekend of unsuccessful apartment hunting (although we did get to hang out with buddies)!

8. Aaannnddd back to Baltimore. Limbo. Lots of Industry Night (though we're stretching the industry in when we're actually unemployed), outdoor movies, baseball games and money liquidation.

could've been a great game... go O's!

movie night madness

We've got to get this life show on the road!