Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Trip Photos, Skewed

I recently came back from a weekend trip to San Francisco to visit a good friend and I returned with about 300 photos (impressive for only 2 full days!). Upon my return I noticed a post on Apartment Therapy about Tilt-Shift Miniature Making, where you take an ordinary photograph (usually a landscape/cityscape) and tweak the focus to make it appear to be a miniature model! I had tons of fun fooling with my SanFran pics and look forward to playing with this feature in the future!

the photo above is the tilt-shifted version of my original photo of Sausalito, below:

(Click on any photo to view it in extra-large)

check out this site with it's Tilt-Shift-Maker to create your own!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cool Color Combo

I stumbled upon this post on Apartment Therapy, and as blue (along with green) is my favorite color, I loved these blue and natural toned rooms!

(above) Preeeetty... and so calming.

(above) Interesting cabinets - if I were to ever live with a kitchen with similar cabinetry, I hope I remember this picture for inspiration!

(above) Loooove the blue upper wall with the low blue accents! Awesome idea!